Saturday, December 9, 2023

December 9, 2023 Posted thoughts on love and the reason for the season

 So, I took the love language quiz by the author Gary Chapman who wrote the book on love languages. My love language is  words of affirmation. Feeds into my self-esteem, but I have to catch myself as negative words have led me down dark paths many times. I have to remind myself that I will not get affirmation from everyone. The only affirmation that soothes my racing mind, hurts, rejections, bruised ego, and is an integral part of my life story is God. 

“I always remember that the Lord is with me. He is her, close by my side, so nothing can defeat me” (Psalm 16:8).

Both my son’s and husband’s love language is quality time. They both are the happiest when I give them time. Even more when I do individual time like my son loves to go out to eat Ramen, so we go and share food and time together. My husband likes to watch certain series and when we sit together and watch and talk about how crazy (like Squid Game-the challenge) is, the time is valuable to him as I share the experience with him.

I read a meme  and it was about kids:

-Maybe your child isn’t clingy because they’re needy, but because their love language is physical touch.

-Maybe your cold doesn’t like getting rid of toys and can’t choose what to clean out, but because their love language is gift giving.

-Maybe your child isn’t asking for things they can do themselves because they’re lazy, but because their love language is acts of service.

-Maybe your child isn’t saying “look what I can do” for the millionth time because they want attention.

**Children are learning how to be people and sometimes we forget they’re learning what makes them feel loved too.

This season seems to have lost much needed love. Brotherly love and the love for our country. As we approach another Christmas season, it is apparent that many Christian and Jewish traditions are being canceled or removed due to fearing there will be  protests. Tree lighting ceremonies and Hanukkah candle lighting events are being canceled. 

Maybe hate needs to be canceled this season. 

“Every kingdom divided against itself is laid waste, and a divided household falls” (Matthew 12:25).

December 16, 2023

Prayers for God’s precious Jewish people who are our friends and/or part of our family.

“For you are a people holy to the Lord your God, and the Lord has chosen you to be a people of his own possession, out of all the nations that are on the face of the earth” (Deuteronomy 14: 2).

This 3-minute video by Pastor Robert J. Pacienza (reminds us of the reason for the season.  “The word ‘holiday’ comes from the term ‘holy day.’ We have always recognized that there are certain transcendent things that call for us to set aside days to honor them. But sometimes even Christians can lose sight of the full nature of what happened at Christmas.” 

Holy Day of the Holidays

This song “Christ Is the Center” sung by Danny Gokey will call your heart to soften. A beautiful worship song:

Christ is our portion

Christ our devotion

Christ is the center of our lives

He is our obsession

Her is our confession

Christ is the center of our lives