Saturday, October 5, 2024

Galatians Study: Chapter 4-Sons/Daughters of Christ

 Galatians Chapter 4


5 solas: Foundations of the Reformation

The five solas of Reformed theology are five Latin phrases that summarize the core beliefs of the

Protestant Reformation:

Sola Scriptura: "Scripture alone" The Bible is the sole authority for Christians in faith, doctrine, and practice.

Sola Fide: "Faith alone" Salvation is found in faith in Jesus Christ alone.

Solus Christus: "Christ alone" Salvation is found in Christ alone.

Sola Gratia: "Grace alone" Salvation is a gift of grace from God, not a result of human merit.

Soli Deo Gloria: "Glory to God alone" Salvation is a work of God for His glory. 

Philosophies of the world:

Nomism is the idea that a person's conduct is based on their observance of moral law or laws, primarily as an exercise of their religion. In Christian theology, it is also known as "legalism" and is a pejorative term for the idea that salvation is earned by obeying the law or performing good works. 

Antinomianism is a term that can have both religious and secular meanings, and refers to views that reject or oppose laws, legalism, or social norms. In Christian belief systems, antinomianism is the belief that God's law in Scripture should not directly control a Christian's life. The word comes from the Greek words anti, meaning "against", and nomos, meaning "law". 


Some types of antinomianism include: 


Dualistic antinomianism

This view holds that salvation is only for the soul, and that bodily behavior is irrelevant. 


Spirit-centered antinomianism

This view places trust in the Holy Spirit's inward prompting, and denies the need to be taught by the law. 


Dispensational Antinomianism

This view denies that biblical law is God's direct command, and affirms that the Bible's imperative statements trigger the Word of the Spirit. 


Situationist Antinomianism

This view holds that a motive and intention of love is all that God now requires of Christians. 


-grace changed everything

-covenant of grace changes everything

-innate ability to know right from wrong is basic as a child 

VS 6-7

“Because you are his sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, “Abba, Father.” So you are no longer a slave, but God’s child; and since you are his child, God has made you also an heir.”

-Faith: full grown children of God

-Salvation: inherit/given prominence/adopted by God

-Justification: Jesus did it all, the flesh can not do something to get something, there are no longer steps to gain salvation, but through faith by grace we are the sons/daughters (children) of God

-Paul asks if you received the Spirit by works of the law?

-Paul asks if you received the Spirit by hearing of faith?

-Paul asks why would they go from freedom back into bondage?

-Paul asks if you started in the Spirit, but why have you reverted back to being enslaved to the law?

-Paul: you are no longer a slave 

-Paul: the Spirit doesn’t do or live by works of the law


-God justified us by faith as he preached the gospel to Abraham

-All nations be blessed

-we inherited through salvation

VS. 9

“But now that you know God—or rather are known by God—how is it that you are turning back to those weak and miserable forces?”

-works of the law are under a curse

-we are known by God 

-salvation/sanctification is given by God

Warnings to the church:

-tolerance and compromise causes the church big trouble

-liar's court you, exclude you, lock you up 

-Paul asks who are you zealous for?

-Be zealous for God

****Is Christ being formed in me with Christ like Characteristics?

Paul uses an allegory: Sarah and Hagar story

-Sarah was the free woman

-Hagar was the bond woman

-Sarah’s son Isaac is the son of the promise given to Abraham

-Hagar’s son Ishmael was not in God’s plan but decision made by the flesh

Paul uses symbolism:

-Mt. Sanai - bondage to the law

-Hagar - symbol of the law (mans)

-Sarah - symbol of God’s grace & freedom in Christ

-Ishmael - legalism 

-Isaac - child of promise

Paul speaks to spiritual realities:

-we are the sons/daughters of promise

-we are born again by God’s power

-truth refers to relationship with God

Worst deception:

-Muslims- serve a ruthless God

-Legalistic Christians - ridicule Christians that walk by faith

****Ever look at what is under the Statue of Liberty? She is  crushing the chains of slavery