Saturday, October 5, 2024

Galatians Study: Chapter 5 Part 2-Fruits of the Spirit

 Galatians Chapter 5 Part 2

-people naturally want to know how they rate against each other

-people use external standards to measure

ex. college degree vs. trade school, social media: thumbs up or likes or followers, lifestyles of the rich and famous vs. factory worker, salary, titles, etc..

-the church also uses external standards to compare spirituality

Ex. ranking sins like I don’t watch porn like that sinning believer, while gossiping about that person to another (judge and you will be judged), volunteer for show-look at me I am so spiritual because I volunteer so you all see my sacrifice, titles, positions in the church, clicks, etc..

Paul: warns that this rating system is a trap that the pharisees fell into

True Liberty:

-What is the test of spirituality = fruit of the spirit

-What is the fruit of the spirit = your character in practice

Paul also spoke to external and inward tests of spirituality in 1 Corinthians 13:1:

“Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal.”


-gifts of the Spirit 

Just because the Spirit gives the fruit of the Spirit it doesn’t mean you walk in them 

VS. 25 If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.

-walk in the Spirit

VS. 16 Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh.

-led by the Spirit

VS. 18 But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law.

Works of the flesh:

-laws does not change people

-grace is the only Spirit that changes behavior and empowers freedom

List of the natural  products of the  flesh because of our fallen nature:

-there are 17 sins listed divided into 4 categories

-these are a spectrum of sinful activity

-these are practices at will continuously, unrepentant, demonstrates walking with Christ

1st: Sexual Sins

-Adultery: breaking the marriage vow brings nothing but pain and sorrow

-fornication: having sex is giving part of yourself to the other, so when it is used or passed around it break the heart and spirit

-uncleanness: lustful thoughts leads to physical lust, movement from being obsessed with impure minds that it becomes the act(lewdness)

-lewdness: lust of the flesh, not care that sex is on display

2nd: Religious Sins

-idolatry: anything that you put above God and can be things like pride, ego, status, men’s acceptance, worship of self or men 

-sorcery: numerology, Tarot cards, churches of prophecy, putting self as a God or above God 

3rd: Social Sins


-contentions: argumentative spirit, causes strife, quarrels, never anything good to say about anything or anyone 

-jealousies: not accept own life as a gift from God, but want to live the life of others

-outbursts of wrath: fits of rage that causes physical, mental, and spiritual abuse

-selfish ambitions: manipulates power for self 

-dissensions: takes joy in causing fractures in relationships

-heresies: (verb) meaning to choose, so you choose to walk in selfish-pride, self-righteousness, etc..

-envy: means bitter, so you are full of rage over what you do not have but others do 

-murders: heart problem as the act of murder begins in the mind and heart-to choose to take another’s life in any form that is not in self-defense or in times of war

4th: Over indulgent Sins (both always linked)

-drunkenness: drink so much you have no faculties to make good decisions, to the point of black-outs, destruction of others when drinking

-revelries: orgies, wild parties. 

***Paul ends this list with “and the like” which is like “fill in the blank” of what I didn’t have on the list 


**Works of the flesh is plural as they are the deeds man can do

**Fruit is singular showing unity and how they compliment each other 

-Fruit reshapes your heart through sanctification

-it is an inner make-over

-the root is Love 

-Love manifests the rest of the list 

Fruit of the Spirit: Is Love

-If you Love then you put the rest of the list  in action

-the list is in a specific order for a reason 

-understand each is in order as you must master the 1st to move to the 2nd, etc..

List of the productions of the fruit of the Spirit:

1. Inner-attitudes

-Joy: act of thanksgiving even during turmoil, illness, or bad circumstances

-Peace: with God means you are right with God (not separated from God), of God means you have unity with God that comes from a relationship with God through Jesus Christ

2. Relational qualities

-Longsuffering: act of patience through day to day events, may be able to take revenge but chooses not to, not easily offended 

-Kindness: act of sharing truth, nice is not a fruit of the Spirit, so if you love then you speak truth 

-Goodness: act of being generous and kind 

3. Personal qualities

-Faithfulness: act of serving others 

-Gentleness: act of being teachable 

-Self-Control: act of obeying, mastery over desires and passions

***Crucify sin, passions, desires through Christ 

**Boundaries are important so if you know your weaknesses then remove yourself from the person, people, or events 

**you need a battle plan to have victories in areas of sin as the Spirit brings a harvest from Love = Fruit 

Fruit should be exhibited in our lives daily!

VS. 25 If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. 

“For a good tree does not bear bad fruit, nor does a bad tree bear good fruit. For every tree is known by its own fruit. For men do not gather figs from thorns, nor do they gather grapes from a bramble bush. A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart brings forth evil. For out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks” (Luke 6: 43-45).