Friday, December 27, 2024

Shepherds For Sale by Megan Basham: Climate Change

 1. Climate Change:

Pastor speaking about the Advent calendar:

“If Joseph and Mary were alive today, they would be the ones most impacted by environmental disasters. So, it’s important we think as world citizens and consider how our choices affect the  poor in other parts of the world.”

-2021 green policy banning imports of chemical fertilizers and pesticides

-Dutch government forcibly bought farms and imposed a 30% reduction in livestock

-Germany, Ireland, and EU Nations imposed new taxes, pesticide bans, and herd reduction

-West African nation of Ghana targeted fossil fuels, fertilizer, and cows 

World Bank:

“Transition away from polluting and expensive oil-burning electricity and toward solar and hydropower.”

-2021 Ghana went from a net exporter of electricity to experiencing the prolonged, frequent blackouts of its developing world past.”

-2021 Ghana farmers with no electricity could no longer access the water needed to irrigate crops

-Ghana citizens protested to be met with tear gas and rubber bullets by the police which left the citizens hungry and suffering

-2022 National Association of Evangelicals

“Telling American Christians that supporting the very policies responsible for all this is what it means to love the least of these.”

Christianity Today:

-”climate vigil songs” articles turning biblical metaphors about the earth groaning under the curse of the sine into environmental parables

-pastors should use their influence to give spiritual legitimacy to deeply anti-human climate policies

-evangelical institutions should grasp climate change as a moral issue

-evangelical institutions should integrate “climate care” into the core of the evangelical subculture

-evangelical model support members of congress who support climate action

-covenant to engage the evangelical community on climate change

-place carbon emission restrictions on businesses

Evangelical Environmental Network (the green Jesus group):

Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (G20 Summit on climate change and COVID 19 pandemic)

Protestant denominations

Southern Baptist Convention

Religious Liberty Commission

National Association of Evangelicals 

Clinton Global Initiative

Evangelical Climate Initiative (mitigate global warming)

Council Christian Colleges & Universities

World Vision 

Southern Baptist Environment and Climate Initiative

Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (influence of worldly and unbiblical ideologies)

New Green Evangelical groups 

Center for Faith and Culture 

World Economic Forum (Western worlds’ national government-secular money)

United Nations

Planned Parenthood

***Leftist secular foundations funded Christian-branded groups to infiltrate churches so they being preaching that the end has nigh because of climate change rather than the return of Christ

-ministry obligation that educates, inspires, and mobilizes Christians in their effort to care for God’s creation

-build a social and political space for evangelicals to redefine environmentalism through Christian theological perspective 

-Bible-based response to global warming 

- assertion that Christians should be spiritually guilted into promoting cap-and-trade legislation

-a call to have a unified moral voice on global warming by actively preaching, promoting, and practicing creation care in churches 

-promote climate change activism within the church

-dealing with climate change is the duty of every Christian

***”But their ultimate aim has been to press for political action on a biblically debatable matter–to use the Church to produce a groundswell of evangelical demand for centralized government policy. And not just federal authoritarianism like the Green New Deal.”