4. Government used Pastors to Spread Covid-19 Propaganda:
Southern Baptist Convention
World Health Organization
European CDC
World Bank
NIH (preferred coronavirus narratives)
Bill Gates
Protestant denominations
Rick Warren (pastor of Saddleback church)
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
World Economic Forum: DAVOS (Switzerland)
Institute of Politics (senior Obama advisor David Axelrod)
-the churches job is to tell people to blindly trust in the government
-how pastors should respond to church members’ resistance to getting the vaccine
-use spiritual manipulation
-guilting people to wear masks
-masking and getting vaccinated were proof that one was following Jesus
-the Bible commands not to give up meeting together (Hebrews 10:25), but churches closed their doors
-send the message that closed doors save lives
-pastors complied with church closures
-preach closed doors and wearing masks is not an invasion of your personal freedom or a political statement
-love your neighbor, get the shot
-high-profile church leaders helped spread federal Covid-19 dogma to have immediate impact on ordinary Christians
-Fauci was content to leave it to church leaders to combat scientific ‘misinformation’
-pastors and theologians parroted that official Covid-19 policies reduced harm to “the least of these”
“Churches needed to remain closed and that pastors needed to use their offices to convince their congregations to comply with government orders that violated their First Amendment Rights.”
“If you believe that God gives us the opportunity to act as His agents to try to relieve suffering and death…and if we are trying to model ourselves after Christ, who spent so much of His time on this earth in healing activities, it seems like we could take advantage of what science, through God’s grace, has given us as a means of ending this terrible pandemic.”
-Federal Government used Evangelical leaders to speak covid propaganda to churches
-used “gracious dialogue” included suppressing the opinions of medical experts that disagree with Fauci
-pastors promoted that scientists “stay a home” orders would reduce cases
Pledges taken because of their faith in Jesus Christ:
1-Wear Masks because mask rules are nor experts taking away our freedom, but an opportunity to follow Jesus’ command to love your neighbor as yourself
2-Get Vaccinated: because vaccination is a provision from God
3-Correct Misinformation and Conspiracy Theories when encountered on social media and communities because Christians are called to love the truth so we should not be swayed by falsehoods
-Suentra Gupta opposed pandemic policies like lockdowns and questioned conventional scientific wisdom about the severity of the virus
-experts talking about herd immunity were silenced
-Desantis followed advice to resist most restrictions
-Bhattacharya “It’s one thing to have a public health campaign to help people know how to get vaccinated, but to tie that to moral behavior–to say–if you don’t get vaccinated, you’re a bad guy or sinning is dangerous.”
-truth revealed: Covid has been a bioengineered bioweapon manufactured in a lab
-truth revealed: it does manipulate a person’s RNA
-pastors who kept their doors open believed “the devil can’t get into my church”
-truth revealed: Supreme Court defeated the White House on policy that attempted to force employers to mandate employees get the Covid-19 vaccinations
Christianity Today:
-article: “On Christmas Spreading Corona Conspiracies: Gullibility Is not a Spiritual Gift”
-article: “It’s time to Forgive Each Other Our Pandemic Sins”
Billy Graham Center at Wheaton:
-Ed Stetzer, director, stated “that evangelicals who entertained that lab leak hypothesis needed to ‘repent’ and to ‘consider taking Christia off their social media profiles so the rest of us don’t have to share in the embarrassment.”
The Gospel Coalition:
-called critics examples of sinful Covid conspiracy mongering
-questioning a still-developing public health crisis were guilty of sin
Church Leaders Podcast:
-focused on way Christians who wanted to obey Christ’s command to love their neighbors must get the Covid vaccine and submit to mask mandates
“I want to exhort pastors once again to try to use your credibility with your flock to put forward the public health measures that we know can work” (Collin).
-it is unloving of Christians who questioned the efficacy of masks, specifically framing it as a matter of obedience to Jesus
-wearing a mask is the great commandment: love your neighbor as yourself
-church leaders have an obligation to convince religious people to accept the government’s narratives about Covid-19
-it is a responsibility of faith leaders is to tell people to trust the science
-openly mocked churches whose doors stayed open as disturbing examples
House Oversight Committee:
-Suppress truth and cover Fauci’s tracks over funding gain of function research at eh Wuhan Institute of Virology that fell below recommended biosafety markers
Church Mandates:
-use influence to urge members of the county’s largest Protestant denomination to submit to vaccine mandates in the name of Romans 13’s directive to be ‘subject to governing authorities’
New York City’s Redeemer Presbyterian:
-Time Keller segregated its church body based on vaccine status, allowing the fully vaccinated to sit on the main floor of the sanctuary
Calvary Church in Charlotte, North Carolina:
-required to get the vaccine for all employees
Southern Baptist Convention:
-mandated vaccination for all missionaries and family member over ag 16
-2020 panel discussion on the subject of racism
-preaching on works like hegemony and cultural representation
-throwing out theological terms like soteriology and hypostatic
Great Commission Baptists:
-called for a racial reckoning
-provided systemic laws definition as part of the racism argument that it is not just individuals harboring sinful bigotry in their hearts, but a all-encompassing problem throughout American life
“Structural racism is ot something that a few people or institutions choose to practice. It has been a feature of the social, economic, and political systems in which we all exist.”
“White people had been in power for so long in the United States, the systems of law and governance they had put in place still benefit them at the expense of minorities. Civil rights reforms have not done enough to ensure that the scales of justice are not out of balance”
Trinity Bible Chapel:
-”Wear your masks. Make your kids wear theirs. Shut down your churches. Take the vaccine. Shut up about your employer demanding you take a vaccine. And do it all to show you love Jesus and your neighbor.”
Government you can trust:
-defends experimentation on fetuses obtained by abortion
-protects the use of human fetal tissue
-speaks fluently on ‘structural racism’ against minorities in AMerica’s institutions
-holds progressives as holy LGBTQ orthodoxy
-applauds the trans movement as courageous and resilient
-allows grant money for experimental transgender research on children
-set federal Covid policies as nonpartisan
-2021, Biden administration used aggressive policy of coerced jabs under threat of unemployment
-the U.S. government does have the authority to mandate vaccinations if there is an outbreak that is threatening people, because it’s not just about you, it’s about the people you’re going to infect
-made those vaccinated the victims
-there is no separation of church and state when there are Covid-19 policies in place
***Question: Can Christian be leaders in publicly-owned corporations and government agencies that are committed to many Non-Christian values? NO