Friday, December 27, 2024

Shepherds For Sale by Megan Basham: Critical Race Prophets

 5. Critical Race Prophets:

***Pastors taking on the role of the Holy Spirit

CRT defined: a system built upon allocating privileges, power, and opportunities in inequitable ways 

-collective repentance of racism

-non-black leaders sought forgiveness for being blind to their white privilege 

-non-black leaders sought forgiveness for being complicit in perpetuating systemic racism

-leaders still apologized but not have any specific prejudices or bigoted acts to confess themselves 

-non-black members were called to repent themselves

“The non-black leaders had been passive about the pattern of systemic racism we see in our nation and so they were repenting.”

-exhorted white members to resist being defensive and not to run away from hard conversations

-asked member to be committed to being anti racist

-churches dedicated to collectively repenting of their complicity in racism

Christ Central:

-held a for black women by black women conference

-is your faith deeply oppressive

-conference on white Christians were making making black Christians fit into a particular mold

-conference had decolonize discipleship form witness 

-Book study dedicated to ongoing discussions of racism “White Fragility” by Robin DiAngelo

-white members should be open to seeing their unconscious bias 

-white members lament is wasteful as white women’s tears were a manipulation tactics to avoid responsibility

-members need the racism discipled out of them

-church intentionally utilizing some lesson from Critical Race Theory

Dismantling Structural Racism/Promoting Racial Equity:

-in government and schools, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion departments throughout the country

-you just can’t be against racism, but embrace your bias in every aspect of your life

-the key element of CRT is white privilege 

-CRT is the solution to racism: Marxist perceived good of the group over the liberty and private rights of the individual

“If white people are the oppressors and minorities are the oppressed, the struggle between racial groups takes the place of Marx’s class struggle.”

Public Schools:

-CRT unequivocally has socialist & Marxist origins and objectives

-teaching students that some are privileged while others are more oppressed because of the color of their skin

-CRT rebranded civil rights 

-rewrite American history 

-Black Lives Matter is a positive example of CRT activism 

-Restorative Justice Practices

Baylor University (Baptist school):

-give students 5 tips to Cultivate Cultural Humility and Antiracism through diversity, equity, and inclusion

Wheaton College:

2021-held a racially segregated graduation ceremony for minority students

Pennsylvania Grove City College (conservative religious school):

2020-the president’s office was launching a diversity council

“Freedom, justice, and democracy, especially for black people and other people of color, are in imminent danger.”

-held “racial struggle sessions”  that pressured students to admit their inner racism and white guilt 

-added a new course titled Cultural Diversity and Advocacy to teach students on “how to become actively anti racist”

-syllabus including Kendi and DiAngelo texts requiring student to create a racial reconciliation community project

***Social Justice Replaced the Great Commission

-ethnic minorities are encouraged to view themselves as the oppressed and whites are automatically defined as the oppressors

-dethroning white supremacy

-CRT’s Marx-based redistribution ideology

-surrender leadership to black candidates


**CRT causes unbiblical division

**CRT is unscriptural

**CRT  = victims and oppressors

**Bible = sinners and saints 

**CRT = there is no forgiveness

**Bible = Individual forgiveness by faith through Jesus

**CRT = Kendi “fundamentally rejects Savior theology”

Question: Is Critical Race Theory UnChristian? YES

CRT = earthly utopia without God 


-we are being trained in fear, suspicion, bitterness, and resentment, so why would the Church ever want to synthesize such ungodly lessons with the Gospel that reconciles men to each other by reconciling them first to Christ

Theologian Voddie Bacham, himself Black, addressed this well with his coinage of the term ethnic Gnosticism. It is the idea that people have special knowledge based solely on their ethnicity. He wrote “Fault Lines,” a book on CRT’s devastating impact on the Church.