2. Illegal Immigration:
***amnesty in the name of Jesus
-open border agenda
“Biblical commandments to love our neighbors and to practice hospitality”
“Work with churches across the southeastern United States to help them engage their immigrant and refugee neighbors with love, good deeds, and the gospel with the Evangelical Immigration Table.”
-funded by atheist billionaire George Soros
-Evangelical Immigration Table (lobbies for various amnesty policies in the name of Jesus)
-Richard Land
-Russell Moore (immigrants & those fleeing from persecution are not political ideas, but they bear the image of God)
-Southern Baptist Convention Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission
-Council for Christian Colleges and Universities
-New American Economy (
-American Immigration Council
-World Relief
-InterVarsity Christian Fellowship
-Focus on the Family
-Prison Fellowship Ministries
-Wesleyan Church
-National Immigration Forum
-World Relief
-Beth Moore (open border advocate)
Gang of Eight Immigration Bill (failed):
***develop your moral voice in immigration and diversity
-be a sensitive seeking church
-stop talking about sin
-avoid sermons on culturally unpopular topics
-misused scriptures using terms like “sojourner” twisted to “resident alien”
-open borders is the Christian thing to do
-Idea that a greater number of refugees admitted into the country gives groups like them greater opportunity to spread the Gospel News of Salvation
-preach to congregation to let the illegals in
Bibles, Badges, and Business Program:
***recruit pastors and churches to the cause of open borders for the purpose of connecting them to legislators
-support campaigns pro open borders
-build momentum for a roadmap to citizenship
-teach Christians how to apply Scripture to immigration
-pepper speeches with Bible verses about fatherless and widow
“It’s disturbing that some Christians seem quite happy to twist the scripture that says we are to ‘care for the strangers and aliens among us’ into a carte blanche invitation to enact dramatically destructive immigration policies, as though painting a smiley face over the monstrous reality of encouraging vicious drug cartels and child-sex traffickers. It’s hard to overstate the blasphemy of using God’s Word in that way” (Metaxas).