There is nothing more heartbreaking than when a Christian brand is destroyed by scandal. It leaves people feeling lost and confused. Volunteering is a time to serve. To live out our Christian life in the public square. I valued this program and the leadership. Being part of it made me feel like I could make a difference in today’s culture. A light in a dark world. Then in an instant you are blindsided with an abrupt resignation and then another and then another. The gossip rips through the conversations. Then you make the mistake of googling it. A mixture of shock that the allegations could be true, but then again what if they are not. Could this be a set up to destroy an innocent person?
My first human instinct was for self-preservation. I felt the need to distance myself from this as it could affect my own walk in public life. Could this spill out and taint my own brand. Will it affect every other group I may be involved with? Will it null and void my own testimony. In the middle of me being so self-absorbed, I had dismissed where others in this group had landed. Were they feeling sad, mad, or as confused looking for the exit door.
After the implosion, we all learned that this brand will no longer exist on its own. It will be combined into another program to still serve as a light in the darkness. I sat listening to the speaker as he explained the transformation as he too had said to himself, “what about all the people?” His heart was to take care of the flock whose leadership had abruptly disappeared. Not an easy place to be. Moody, disappointment, and lack lust expectations can even suck the oxygen out of an online zoom meeting.
I had to remind myself of my own human short-comings:
Proverbs 25 is filled with warnings to people to gather all the facts before making a judgment about a situation or someone's actions.
The Bible strongly condemns gossip as a sin, and describes it as a destructive act that can damage reputations and relationships. So we need to guard our tongue, and keep our mouth shut. Better not to say anything then to be called out and your words thrown back into your face if you are wrong in your opinionated judgment.
“Out of the same mouth proceed blessing and cursing,” (James 3:10).
“For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned,” (Matthew 12:36-37).
Prayers over the people and this situation. Prayers over anyone who may connect with this post. May God cover us all with His protection, care, and blessings.
This song seems to calm the spirit as the chaos tries to envelope us. God Help Me by Unspoken.
God, help me now
Feels like there's no way out
But Jesus, You're faithful and able
And You've never once let me down
God, help me now (oh)